Sunday, December 16, 2007


Uncivil said...

I'm probablly gonna wish I hadn't asked for your motivation, but what the hell!
Just go to my new blog "Run Redneck Run" and see what all the fuss is about!
By the way, I was 38 back when that picture was taken. I'm to fat, old, and vain to post anything updated!

I know.....I was a slow runner back then, just like I'm a slow learner! But hey, I'm even slower in both departments now.

Yes, it's "Roast The Redneck Hour" on both of my blogs right now!

You can start with the "slow" jokes now! "He's so slow it takes him two hours to watch 60 Minutes."

Jeanna said...

Could you tease someone with a pair of gams like that! Whoo, babi.

Uncivil said...

You could now! And the love handles are even worse! I weighed in at 213 just a minute ago:(
I was closer to 170 in that picture 12 years ago! It's like running with a 40 pound bag of chocolate on my back!

Jeanna said...

Mmm, where's the downside?

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for your comment.
plus just one more thing. the "english speaking class of pakistan" dont really know Urdu. As far as I'm concerned, we don't speak English in day to day life in every affair of our lives.

Uncivil said...

You're sweet as your Candy dish!

Thanks for stopping by! You do understand I was only teasing when I mentioned that you blog in English! But, I'm glad you do or I coudn't understand it!
It would be sort of like my frustration over the Spanish language invading our country here in America and then posting everything in Spanish!

I haven't visited your blog in quite some time and it's good to find you doing well. I always think and worry about you and Tee, and the Miss Bina Shaw when ever I read the news and hear of calamities such as a suicide bombing or Martial law/emergency rule inacted by Musharraf!

I've met people all over the world on this blog, and it's just weird to worry about someone you only met by chance, via the internet on the other side of the world.

You are a very kind young lady and I pray for your safety!

Ed & Jeanne said...

You look like your saying..."Who stole my clothes and why do I have this number pinned to me?"

Ms. Mamma said...

YOu and Jeanna should co-write a blog! Hilarious.

Unknown said...

I'm off to check out your other blog now. I just love the blog name though! Run Redneck Run is just too funny! :)

Uncivil said...

I wish I had one tenth of one percent of your wit! Keep me straight! You used to be a runner didn't ya? Seem's like I read that you have run a marathon before?

You have read my mind. Just this morning I got the most unique and early Christmas gift from the boss!
My first thought was posting it on my blog, and then I thought about Jeanna. This is right up her alley!
I've got to get some pics tonight and email them to her!
Consider the co-post with Jeanna done if she agrees! She'll do it if she loves me!LOL!!!!

It's a spoof on "Run Forest Run" from "Forrest Gump"! Thanks shug and help keep me motivated!

Ed & Jeanne said...

You're right, I have run; even marathons. I only run for exercise now; no races or events anymore. I'd prefer not to but it's an easy form of exercise that can be done anywhere. If only it weren't so damn boring sometimes!