Friday, November 17, 2006

No Soliciting.......Damn it!!!!!!

I've had about enough of those Damn Jehovah's witnesses and those little bastards with the refrigerated pickup trucks peddling their friggin beef and pork products.

I put up this sign

along with this message on my door today

"Shit……..I must live in Solicitors Central, cause every damn solicitor in Castle Hayne comes to my frigging door!!!

My friends and relatives know and accept me for the asshole that I am.

If I need to buy something, I’ll get off my fat ass and go to the store. I don’t need any damn thing you are selling.

As for you Damn Jehovah’s Witnesses…….Don’t push your dumb ass religion on me and I wont push your dumb ass down the steps. That goes for any other religious or political affiliate that thinks he or she needs to cram their views down my damn throat.

Just leave me the hell alone……Please!!!!!!! "

1 comment:

Uncivil said...

Yep,and these are the same bastards comming to my door and try to tell me ( a complete stranger) how to live my friggin life.

Religious fanatics have caused more grief in this world than anything I can think of.

It's all about control. They're just like politicions. They want to contol our asses.